
Streaming Halloween TV You Don't Want to MissSure, the month of October is the time to watch horror films every night, but you don't always have the time for a feature film. Or maybe you want to break up the terror with a comedy or two. Just about every long-running TV show has a Halloween episode, and many of the best of them are front and center this October on streaming TV. Throw in a 30-minute Halloween episode of your favorite sitcom when it's too late to watch another horror flick. It will be a great way to have better dreams. But some of those episodes might be hard to find, even with a search function. What was the name of that great episode of Parks and Recreation where Andy and April threw a Halloween party? Who would remember that? But Cracked have some recommendations with episode titles so that you can find something fun for Halloween TV watching. You'll find Halloween fare you've not seen before, or an old favorite. By the way, that episode was titled "Meet and Greet."#TV #streaming #rerun #sitcom 
16 Werewolves You Should Get to KnowDisney+ unveiled their werewolf show Werewolf by Night this week. The one-off TV special is part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and has received good reviews. But it's only one hour, and may leave you wanting to see more werewolves. Oh, there is plenty of media featuring humans who turn into bloodthirsty wolves under the full moon, but not all of them are worth watching. How about some suggestions from movies and TV that you can look up on streaming and home video?