How Movies Rank on the Scary Meter

If you're curating a Halloween film festival or just plotting out your fall horror viewing, it's nice to be able to gauge how scary a particular film is ahead of time. There are some times you can handle being scared more than other times. And you may have guests, family members, or a new romantic partner who you'd prefer not to scare off completely.

The Scary Meter is a website that ranks how scary movies are, according to viewer ratings. They measure movies along three axes: creepiness, gore, and jump scares, to arrive at an overall scariness score. You can pull up ranked lists along all those parameters, find movie suggestions by scores, and add your own opinions on movies you have seen. Not all the ranked movies are in the horror genre, because musicals, psychological thrillers, and crime dramas can be scary, too. But the scariest are overwhelmingly horror films. -via Boing Boing 

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