The Rise and Fall of America's Traveling "Ghost Shows"

Long after the rise of movie theaters, traveling shows were still a special event. There were Wild West shows, circuses, concert tours, and Broadway on the road. And for a few decades, the biggest thrill of all was the traveling ghost show. These were usually held in a darkened theater, and featured special effects, a magician, skits featuring monsters or skeletons, some comedy, maybe a light show, but always there were glowing ghosts and apparitions to make your date cling closer to you. You might even see famous movie monsters roaming the crowd. The night often ended with a showing of a horror film.

Ghost shows died out with the rise of television, but you can relive those days with a history some of the bigger traveling ghost show companies and their spooky shenanigans at CrimeReads. -via Damn Interesting 

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